Public transit seating covers reviewed

Feargu O'Sullivan rounds up the good, the bad and the ugly of public transit seating options. Seat cover designs, we believe, need to consider four things: • Memorability. They need…

Feargu O'Sullivan rounds up the good, the bad and the ugly of public transit seating options.

Seat cover designs, we believe, need to consider four things:

Memorability. They need to be striking enough to create an instant impression.

Freshness. Moquette needs to be bright enough in color to appear new(ish) after years of wear, but not so pale as to make stains or fade evident.

Intricacy. Large empty monochrome spaces show wear more quickly, and provide too tempting a canvas for vandals.

Anti-Dazzle. Moquette shouldn’t be so bright and busy that it turns stomachs.

Above, behold Pittsburgh's "cosmic spaghetti" seating, as photographed by @CatsBlanchard.