NH GOP lawmakers mocked gun violence survivors by wearing clutchable pearl necklaces to gun control hearing

When volunteers for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America appeared before the New Hampshire state legislature, they were met by GOP lawmakers wearing prominent pearl necklaces as a…

When volunteers for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America appeared before the New Hampshire state legislature, they were met by GOP lawmakers wearing prominent pearl necklaces as a symbol of casual, sexist dismissal of the women's experience with gun violence as "pearl clutching."

At least five GOP lawmakers — all men — wore pearls at the hearing, and they were captured and posted to organizer Shannon Watts's Twitter.

A rep from the Women’s Defense League, a group that advocates for more rights for musketfuckers and other ammosexuals, attempted to gaslight the Moms Demand Action volunteers by claiming that the pearls were worn in support of women's rights. WDL president Kimberly Morin called the Moms Demand Action volunteers "harpies."

The three lawmakers clearly identifiable in her pictures, Reps. Daryl Abbas, Scott Wallace and David Welch, are all Republicans. Calls to their State House offices were either not returned or were met with busy signals and full voice-mail boxes.

GOP lawmakers wore pearls while gun violence victims testified. Activists were outraged. [Reis Thebault/Washington Post]

(Thanks, Tim Soman!)