Great set of budget Bluetooth bookshelf speakers

These Edifier R1700BT speakers are perfect for my home office and bedroom. I had been using Amazon Echo Dot's to play music and podcasts. The sound quality was less than…

These Edifier R1700BT speakers are perfect for my home office and bedroom.

I had been using Amazon Echo Dot's to play music and podcasts. The sound quality was less than exciting. A friend pointed me to these Edifier R1700BT speakers and I couldn't be happier.

Built solidly and super sharp looking, these little Edifier boxes put out pretty good sound. Warm, rich, bright and chipper would be my attempt at description. The bass is a bit on the thuddy and undefined side, but for $150 there really isn't much to complain about.

Easy to set up, the Edifier's competently handled mp3's of varying quality over the Bluetooth stream. You can plug in RCA analog devices if you want, there are two sets of ports. For another $50 there is a model that does optical-in and subwoofer-out. I didn't need this for my use.

The grills are also removable if you want to show off the drivers.

Budget Bluetooth sound that is plenty good.

Edifier R1700BT Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers – Active Near-Field Studio Monitors via Amazon