CBS won't say why it rejected a medical marijuana superbowl ad

Acreage Cannabis Ad Rejected For Super Bowl By CBS Watch this video on YouTube. Acreage Cannabis produced a one-minute commercial, intending to air it during the Superbowl. The ad consists…

Acreage Cannabis Ad Rejected For Super Bowl By CBS

Acreage Cannabis produced a one-minute commercial, intending to air it during the Superbowl. The ad consists of testimonials of people who've been helped by medical marijuana. CBS rejected the ad without explaining why. From CNN:

[George Allen, president of Acreage Holdings] said Acreage was willing to spend upward of $5 million for the spot, which is the going rate for a Super Bowl ad in 2019. But Allen said CBS told Acreage that the commercial was not consistent with the network's advertising policies.

CBS (CBS) did not comment when asked why it declined to run the commercial. But a source close to the network said that it does not currently accept any cannabis-related advertising.

Image: Javier Hasse/YouTube