Toto's "Africa" plays on repeat in the middle of the Namib Desert… indefinitely

Namibian-German artist Max Siedentopf created "Toto Forever," an installation that plays the song "Africa" on repeat in the middle of southern Africa's Namib Desert. From the BBC News: Mr Siedentopf…

Namibian-German artist Max Siedentopf created "Toto Forever," an installation that plays the song "Africa" on repeat in the middle of southern Africa's Namib Desert. From the BBC News:

Mr Siedentopf tells the BBC it is set to play forever, with solar batteries "to keep Toto going for all eternity…"

"[I] wanted to pay the song the ultimate homage and physically exhibit 'Africa' in Africa," explains the 27-year-old artist.

"Some [Namibians] love it and some say it's probably the worst sound installation ever. I think that's a great compliment."

(via Fark)