Listen to the deeply weird rock covers on the mysterious "Woodstock Al" cassette

Watch this video on YouTube. This is "Woodstock Al #6," a strange and fascinating DIY cassette of covers by an unidentified artist. In 2000, a fellow named Jim Fletcher sent…

This is "Woodstock Al #6," a strange and fascinating DIY cassette of covers by an unidentified artist. In 2000, a fellow named Jim Fletcher sent the cassette to legendary WFMU personality and music historian Irwin Chusid. From Mei Clover who posted the audio to YouTube for posterity:

This is a tape filled with strange, distorded guitar noodling, barely audible vocals, out-of-rhythym drums, and songs just barely recognisable to what they're supposed to be. You've never heard something like this before. The identity of Woodstock Al is unknown, and the tapes Woodstock Al 1-5 are still lost. Because these tracks are just barely recognisable, here is the track list.

1. Communication Breakdown
2. Purple Haze
3. Sunshine Of Your Love
4. Light My Fire
5. Manic Depression
6. Hello, I Love You
7. Cocaine
8. One Way Out
9. Every Day I Have The Blues
10. I Don't Live Today
11. You Got Me Floatin'
12. Paranoid
13. Sweet Child 'O Mine