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Man gets $300 ticket for using phone while driving, but argues the phone was actually a McDonald's hash brown

Jason Stiber in Connecticut was pulled over for talking on his cell phone while driving. The cop then gave him a hefty $300 ticket for distracted driving. The only problem, according to Stiber, was that he wasn’t on his cell phone. He was simply enjoying a hash brown patty from McDonald’s.

According to Times Union, Stiber says “I was eating a hash brown and he thought he saw a cellphone near my mouth.”

Stiber’s story might sound a bit suspicious, but records show he didn’t use his phone as a phone during the time of the ticket. And he says he has bluetooth, so there’s no reason he would hold his phone up to his face. But this kind of logic hasn’t penetrated in court. He fought the ticket in court over the summer and lost. He’s now set for a retrial on December 7th at state Superior Court.

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