Billie Eilish asked same interview questions, one year after becoming a much bigger star

Billie Eilish: Same Interview, One Year Apart | Vanity Fair

Billie Eilish: Same Interview, One Year Apart | Vanity Fair Watch this video on YouTube. 2018 was a big year for 16-year-old singer/songwriter Billie Eilish. Her rise to stardom can…

2018 was a big year for 16-year-old singer/songwriter Billie Eilish. Her rise to stardom can be measured in numbers. Last year at this time, she had 257,000 followers on Instagram and she now has 6.3 million. The most people she had performed in front of was just 500, and now that number's at 40,000. The jump to fame has had a price though and I think you'll be surprised at how tenderly she mourns the less-famous, more innocent "Billie" of just last year.

On October 18th, 2017, after a busy day of promotional interviews in New York City, Billie Eilish met with Vanity Fair to discuss the 15-year-old’s breakthrough success. On October 18th, 2018, after a long day of pre-tour rehearsals, Billie spoke with VF again to answer the exact same questions and look back at a time capsule of her answers from last year.