A look at some quirky, and downright strange, 2019 calendars

It hurts me to say this but 2019 is nearly here, and that means stores are filled with calendars. Well, my daughter and I are traveling this week and while…

It hurts me to say this but 2019 is nearly here, and that means stores are filled with calendars.

Well, my daughter and I are traveling this week and while out at one of our favorite stores in Arizona, we saw a huge display of wall calendars. Because of the sheer quantity of them, we couldn't decide on one. So, we left empty-handed and I thought to search out what quirky calendars I could find online. I wasn't disappointed.

Here are some of the crazy calendars "kids" are into these days (notations in brackets are mine):

1. Animal Butts: "Welcome every month of the new year with a new animal butt!" [Or else!]

Available from Paper Source for $19.95

2. Animal Selfies: "did you know that animals love to take selfies too? Its true…" [that's 110% not true]

On Amazon for $10.39

3. NYC Taxi Drivers: "…features 12 of the city's most scintillating and good-humored yellow cab drivers." [Please, do not put jumper cables anywhere near your nipples!]

$14.99 and benefits charity

4. The RGB Workout: "Exercise with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg… get into supreme shape!" [She recovered so quickly from those broken ribs, I probably should follow RGB's exercise routine!]

$14.99 at Chronicle Books

5. Pooping Pooches: "Do you know someone who loves dogs…too much?" [No words.]

$15.99 and benefits charity

6. Merby's: The 'bearded men in fish tails' calendar by the Newfoundland and Labrador Beard & Moustache Club is back. [Sure, why not? It's for a good cause.]

Get it for CAD $25, benefits charity

Ok, I've saved the strangest one for last:

7. Toiletpaper: "…an image-only publication devoted to the combination of the height of attractiveness with that of ugliness" [This isn't about bathroom tissue, Toiletpaper is a beautifully bizarre Italian surreal pop-art magazine.]

Yes, it's the most "out there," but why can't it also be functional and have a place to write notes on? Available for €20,00 directly from Toiletpaper.

Know a cool, weird, or unusual 2019 calendar? Share it in the comments.