Britons! Tell the UK government that the compulsory porn-viewing logs need compulsory privacy standards

The British government has decreed that adult sites must collect age-verification data on everyone who looks at material rated for 18-and-over viewing; this amounts to a database of the porn-viewing…

The British government has decreed that adult sites must collect age-verification data on everyone who looks at material rated for 18-and-over viewing; this amounts to a database of the porn-viewing habits of every adult in the UK.

While this logging is compulsory, compliance with privacy protections is optional.

The Open Rights Group has a form where you can contact the government and demand that they make privacy protection mandatory and integral, not optional and an afterthought.

We are grateful to the BBFC and the DCMS for recognising that Age Verification technology needs strong privacy protection.

The BBFC’s voluntary privacy scheme is an improvement, but companies can simply ignore the guidance.

Protecting the public’s digital privacy should not be optional. Strong privacy protections for Age Verification technology must be made compulsory.

The implementation of Age Verification technology must be delayed until privacy protections are mandatory.

Major data breaches make headlines on a regular basis. Strong privacy protection must be a priority, not an afterthought.

Making Age Verification privacy rules matter [Open Rights Group]