Video shows 1,000+ octopuses in Monterey Bay ?

Each of those white dots is an octopus. Here’s a closer view of one of them. And here's the video and story behind it from NOAA's Office of National Marine…

Each of those white dots is an octopus.

Here’s a closer view of one of them.

And here's the video and story behind it from NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.

Massive Aggregations of Octopus Brooding Near Shimmering Seeps | Nautilus Live


What’s better than one octopus?

While diving in the deep waters of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, researchers aboard the E/V Nautilus came across more than a THOUSAND octopuses! These octopuses – Muusoctopus robustus – were in a likely brooding posture. They were tucked into nooks in the seafloor with their arms inverted, covering their bodies and white egg clusters.

[GIF 1 description: Many white octopuses resting on the seafloor. GIF 2: An octopus rests on the seafloor and displays her siphon through her arms. GIFs/video credit: Ocean Exploration Trust/NOAA]