This gimbal brings 'cinema quality' to your smartphone pics

Even on outdated models, smartphones have imaging technology that puts the compact cameras of just a decade ago to shame. If you really care about the pictures you take, stop…

Even on outdated models, smartphones have imaging technology that puts the compact cameras of just a decade ago to shame. If you really care about the pictures you take, stop treating your smartphone camera like just another app. It can shoot cinema-quality video and photos with the right tools, and the Rigiet Smartphone Gimbal might just be at the top of that list.

For the uninitiated, a gimbal is to a selfie stick what a smartphone is to a rotary dial. The Rigiet brings movie-making tech to your next photo shoot. Just for starters, it allows you to rotate your phone smoothly to a variety of positions – overhand or underslung – without changing your phone's orientation from landscape to portrait. Thanks to a control panel on the handle, you can quickly toggle between front and rear camera, photo or video mode, or zoom in and out. All this while keeping your phone steady as a rock, even on the move.

DOBOT Rigiet - The Most Advanced Gimbal for Smartphone and GoPro

For full functionality, you'll want to connect to the Rigiet app. With that, you can automatically track objects in motion – just highlight them on the phone with a swipe, and the Rigiet follows along. Great for kids in a recital, dogs at play or zeroing in on your favorite player at a football game. Set the panorama mode, and the gimbal will rotate just the right amount, taking 5, 9 or 12 photos that can stitch together seamlessly into the proverbial scenic vista. It'll even make it easier for you to live stream your videos.

As if that weren't enough, the Rigiet will charge your phone while connected. It can be used with a tripod or action cam, and fits a GoPro just as easily as a smartphone, with the same functionality. Grab one, and see if you ever shoot another video without it. Right now, the Rigiet Smartphone Gimbal is 59% off at 109.99.