My keynote for Ethereum Devcon: without the rule of law, crypto fails

Devcon4 Mainstage - Cory Doctorow Watch this video on YouTube. I was one of the keynote speakers at last week's Ethereum Devcon in Prague, where I gave a talk called…

Devcon4 Mainstage - Cory Doctorow

I was one of the keynote speakers at last week's Ethereum Devcon in Prague, where I gave a talk called "Decentralize, Democratize, or Die," about the way that bad tech policy (crypto backdoors, the DMCA's ban on security disclosures, etc) come from weak states where the super-rich get to call the shots, and how things like money-laundering creates these weak states. The core message: if you don't figure out how to make more pluralistic, less plutocratic states, you will never get the kind of information security you need for your blockchain systems to thrive.