Campbell Soup Co. fires exec who tweeted racist Soros #MigrantCaravan conspiracy

M'm! M'm! Good! Tweeting conspiracy theories about George Soros is bad for your career. Just ask Campbell's Soup Company former vice president of government affairs, Kelly Johnston. On Monday, Johnston…

M'm! M'm! Good! Tweeting conspiracy theories about George Soros is bad for your career. Just ask Campbell's Soup Company former vice president of government affairs, Kelly Johnston.

On Monday, Johnston tweeted that the former hedge fund manager and current philanthropist's Open Society Foundation was funding troop carriers and vans to bring an army of migrants north to the Mexico/United States border.

From Gizmodo:

The company told CNN last week that Johnston’s remarks on Twitter did not reflect the position of the company. A spokesperson for Campbell’s told Gizmodo in a statement by email that Johnston’s last day with the company was Thursday.

“Mr. Johnston and the company discussed in August that he would transition out of his role with his departure scheduled for early November,” the spokesperson said. “In the last few days, the company and Mr. Johnston agreed that under the current circumstances it would be best to accelerate the timing of his departure.”

I'm sure that Johnston's severance package took some off the sting out of being shuffled on a wee bit earlier than anticipated.

For their part, the Open Society Foundations stated that they had no idea what Johnston was talking about–and why would they? It's nonsense. Of course, that's never stopped far-right loons from spreading their top-shelf malarkey.

After all, it's easier for scared, small-minded fools to accuse an asylum seeker that's not even entered the country than to swallow the notion that maybe, just maybe, their nation is being torn apart at the seams by hate, greed and fear of the other.

Image: by Campbell's Soup Company – Campbell's Soup Company; example, Public Domain, Link