Listen to GOP congressman Jason Lewis imitate the voice of a distraught sexually-traumatized woman

Republican Rep. Jason Lewis mocked a woman who complained of sexual harassment by affecting a traumatized feminine voice during a radio segment where he made quite clear that "she wasn't…

Republican Rep. Jason Lewis mocked a woman who complained of sexual harassment by affecting a traumatized feminine voice during a radio segment where he made quite clear that "she wasn't raped." In another recorded segment, Lewis complained about not being able to "call her a slut" anymore when "they behave as a slut."

Here's the full clip, from a 2012 edition of his radio show, as posted by CNN:

A transcript:

LEWIS: How traumatizing is it? How many women at some point in their lives have a man come onto them, place a hand on shoulder, or maybe their thigh, kiss them, and they would rather not have that happen, is that really going to be seared in your memory, that you'll need therapy for, that you'll never get over tHe MoSt tRaUmAtIziNg ExPerIeNce? COME ON. She wasn't raped.

CNN's Andrew Kaczynski reports that Lewis threatened to sue them for copyright infringement if they posted the recording.