Just dropped: Play-Doh's Poop Troop

Hasbro has announced its latest Play-Doh set. It's called "Poop Troop." It's kind of like a Mr. Potato Head except that instead of a plastic potato body, you stick the…

Hasbro has announced its latest Play-Doh set. It's called "Poop Troop."

It's kind of like a Mr. Potato Head except that instead of a plastic potato body, you stick the arms, eyes, and other anthropomorphizing pieces into a squishy, emoji-like poop swirl of Play-Doh.

Who's in your poop troop?! from giggle-worthy poop monsters to creations like the famous emojis, kids can create a rainbow of their own hilarious Play-Doh characters. You might make a face at the idea, but making silly faces for your characters is literally what it's all about! to start the fun, use the poo mold, tools, and Play-Doh colors to create your character's body. Grab the eyes, arms, mouths, and other accessories and plug them in different places to make all kinds of silly faces. Mix them up for a giggling good time again and again, and don't forget to clean up after yourself!

Some people aren't happy:

The set is available for $14.99. To note: Four of the 12 jars of Play-Doh are brown.

Previously: There's a toilet plunger that looks like the poop emoji