Watching these 2 megapreachers defend their private jets is a more effective emetic than syrup of ipecac

Watch this video on YouTube. Do you need to void the contents of your stomach quickly? Watch this conversation between televangelists Kenneth Copeland (reported net worth $300 million) and Jesse…

Do you need to void the contents of your stomach quickly? Watch this conversation between televangelists Kenneth Copeland (reported net worth $300 million) and Jesse Duplantis (reported net worth $50 million), in which they explain that they reason men of God require private jets is because they can't stand up and have a conversation with God on a commercial plane. Also, in "this dope filled world," you're likely to find yourself in "a long tube filled with demons."

Kenneth Copeland also owns a $260,000 Maserati. I'll bet he and God had some great talks in that.