Wondrous winners of Nikon's "Small World in Motion" microscopic video contest

2018 Nikon Small World in Motion Competition - First Place

2018 Nikon Small World in Motion Competition - First Place Watch this video on YouTube. Above is a "Zebrafish embryo growing its elaborate sensory nervous system (visualized over 16 hours…

Above is a "Zebrafish embryo growing its elaborate sensory nervous system (visualized over 16 hours of development)" captured by Elizabeth Haynes of the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and colleagues. This wondrous clip is the winning entry of Nikon's "Small World in Motion" microscopic video contest revealing dynamic weirdness and beauty at the tiniest scales. Below, second place, Dr. Miguel Bandres and Anatoly Patsyk (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology), "Laser propagating inside a soap membrane;" and third place, "Polychaete worm of the Syllidae family," by Rafael Martín-Ledo of the Conserjería Educación Gobierno de Cantabria.

See more: Small World 2018 World In Motion Competition

2018 Nikon Small World in Motion Competition - Second Place

2018 Nikon Small World in Motion Competition - Third Place