Nature's greatest con-artists: the parasitic beetles that trick ants into barfing into their mouths

Myrmecophiles: beetles living in an ant nest! Watch this video on YouTube. Myrmecophiles are parasitic beetles that use chemical cues to fool ants into bringing them into their nests and…

Myrmecophiles: beetles living in an ant nest!

Myrmecophiles are parasitic beetles that use chemical cues to fool ants into bringing them into their nests and regurgitating food into their mouths, diverting the colony's bounty of semi-digested ant-chow from the queen and her babies to their own hungry guts. Ant Lab shows us how a Xenodusa beetle can con Camponotus ants into a lifetime of free meals and cuddles. For further reading, check out Behavior and exocrine glands in the myrmecophilous beetle Lomechusoides strumosus (Fabricius, 1775) (formerly called Lomechusa strumosa) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) in PLOS One. (Thanks, Adrian!)