A wayward narwhal got adopted by a pod of beluga whales

Belugas adopt wayward narwhal in Canadian waters

Belugas adopt wayward narwhal in Canadian waters Watch this video on YouTube. A unicorn of the sea somehow ended up separated from other narwhals. Luckily, the lost narwhal was welcomed…

A unicorn of the sea somehow ended up separated from other narwhals. Luckily, the lost narwhal was welcomed into a pod of beluga whales, where they were spotted frolicking in the St. Lawrence River.

Via CBC:

The narwhal — thought to be a juvenile male because of its half-metre-long tusk — was filmed in July playing among a pod of young belugas, thought to be mostly or all males.

The video was taken by the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM), a non-profit group dedicated to whale research, conservation and education based in Tadoussac, Que.

"It behaves like it was one of the boys," said Robert Michaud, the group's president and scientific director.

Belugas adopt wayward narwhal in Canadian waters (YouTube / AFP News Agency)