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Alex Jones finally banned from Twitter after posting video of abusive exchange with CNN reporter

Twitter made its decision one day after Jones accosted CNN reporter Oliver Darcy on Capitol Hill, and livestreamed the encounter through Periscope, which Twitter owns.

Twitter has finally ‘permanently banned’ Alex Jones and Infowars’ accounts, weeks after Jones was banned or suspended by other major tech companies like Apple, Facebook and Google’s YouTube.

Alex Jones was banned from Twitter reportedly in response to posting video from this exchange from yesterday with a CNN reporter, but was it that — or his physical proximity to Jack Dorsey at the social media hearings?

It’s too bad it took Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, so long.

Jones was on Capitol Hill yesterday on the same day Jack Dorsey was, to give testimony on Russian manipulation of social media in America.

Jones made an ass of himself all day, and nearly got in a fistfight with Marco Rubio, as well as this crazy attack on a CNN journalist.

Shame on Twitter for taking so long. But I’m glad they finally did the right thing.

Oh, wait.

This is going to get even more complicated and bad.

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