What's this ex-ICE official doing at an anti-Muslim hatefest in Virginia?

“America is at stage two Islamic Cancer,” says the founder of ACT for America. Why exactly is Thomas Homan, former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), speaking at their upcoming event in Washington, D.C.? And he only retired in June.

ACT For America, founded by “Brigitte Gabriel” (aka Hanah Kahwagi Tudor aka Brigitte Tudor) is an anti-Muslim hate group linked to white supremacist and neo-Nazi hate organizations. You can learn more about them at SPLC's website, where they're flagged as a hate group:

ACT also ran an online database allegedly for law enforcement called the Thin Blue Line. This McCarthyite project lists the names and addresses of prominent Muslim American leaders and Muslim Student Association (MSA) chapters alongside individuals who have been arrested on terrorism charges, referring to the MSAs as “radical organizations” and the individuals as “persons of interest.”

“Brigitte Gabriel” boasts about her access to the Trump administration.

From the Council on American-Islamic relations (CAIR), a longtime Muslim-American advocacy group:

Thomas Homan, formerly acting director of ICE, is listed as a confirmed “Special Dinner Gala Honoree” at the Sept. 4-5 conference of the hate group ACT For America in Arlington, Va. Homan retired in June of this year.

While acting director of ICE, Homan refused to condemn the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents at the border, but instead claimed that his agency was simply enforcing the law.

“By appearing at an anti-Muslim hate event, Mr. Homan would – because of his past position as head of ICE – send the clear message that bigotry is viewed as acceptable by top government officials in the current administration,” said CAIR Government Affairs Director Robert McCaw. “We urge Mr. Homan to withdraw from this hate event.”

McCaw noted that CAIR today sent a letter to members of Congress and their staff outlining ACT For America’s bigoted agenda and history prior to the hate group’s Capitol Hill Day on Sept. 5.

Last year, ACT For America organized anti-Muslim protests around the U.S. which were condemned as hate rallies.

ACT's founder says she believes “every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim,” a Muslim “cannot be a loyal citizen of the United States,” and that Arabs “have no soul.”