CALLING ALL EARTHLINGS, the new documentary from filmmaker Jonathan Berman ('Commune,' 'The Schvitz') has it all: UFOs, a mystical dome in the Joshua Tree desert, psychic experiences, time travel, Howard Hughes, Nikolai Tesla, communists, eternal life, murder– oh yeah, and Nazis.
You can watch the trailer above [YouTube], and you can watch the movie here starting today.

Could flying saucers be real? One thing is for sure: the FBI was tracking George Van Tassel, the creator of the Integratron.
"Calling All Earthlings" tells the story of George Van Tassel as he follows alien guidance and Nikola Tesla's scientific principles, and attempts to build a time machine in the California desert.
It doesn't answer any of the big questions about alien existence or time travel, but I still found this film to be a fascinating, enjoyable, and worthwhile look inside the protagonist's weird world.
I spoke to filmmaker Jonathan Berman about the project.
“I've always been entranced by the Johnson Smith catalogue — X-Ray Specs, Sea Monkeys, DIY Submarines,” Berman said.
“So when I saw a photo of this gothic, unearthly, 1950s dome with a sign perched on it that read, 'For basic experimentation in life extension',” he said, “I knew I had to go there.”

George Van Tassel channels alien beings in a scene from the feature documentary about the Integratron, 'Calling All Earthlings' (2018.)
Jonathan Berman:
“Once I landed in the desert, I got sucked into the many mysteries of the story. Could there actually be a time machine? Is free energy possible?”
“I felt a little bit like Richard Dreyfuss in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind.' The way he was obsessed with that formation was similar to the way I became obsessed with the dome.”
“Seven years later, our investigation and documentary are complete.”

George Van Tassel claimed to have combined alien technology with the work of Tesla (pictured here) as seen in Calling All Earthlings.
Trailer on [YouTube], and here's the movie on Amazon.

The Integron dome in Landers, CA from 'Calling All Earthlings.'

Ted Markland describes attending the Van Tassel Spacecraft Conventions

The spark gap on the Integratron dome would 'create an enormous energy field — and could blow up Southern California.'

Art Kunkin, the founder of the L.A. Press and his radioactive apples that may provide the secret to youth.

Steward of the Integratron Nancy Karl plays the Tibetan bowls.