Flesh eating bacteria that causes genitals to "rot away" pops up in the UK

A sexually transmitted disease called Donovanosis has been diagnosed recently three times in the UK, according to documents turned over in a Freedom of Information request, marking what might be…

A sexually transmitted disease called Donovanosis has been diagnosed recently three times in the UK, according to documents turned over in a Freedom of Information request, marking what might be the first time it has appeared there. (It's usually found in tropical and subtropical regions.) “Bacteria that cause the disease, known as klebsiella granulomatis, infect the skin around the genitals, groin or anal area and causes lesions and skin disintegration as the flesh effectively consumes itself," pharmacist Shamir Patel told a reporter.

From Cambridgeshire Live:

Pharmacist Shamir Patel, of Chemist 4 U, said: “This is a very rare and nasty condition and it could be one of the first times it has been recorded in the UK.

“Although antibiotics can treat donovanosis, early-stage cases might be going undiagnosed because it's so uncommon in the UK.

“Bacteria that cause the disease, known as klebsiella granulomatis, infect the skin around the genitals, groin or anal area and causes lesions and skin disintegration as the flesh effectively consumes itself.

“Donovanosis itself can be treated with antibiotics, time is of the essence.

"Any delay could cause the flesh around the genitals to literally rot away.

“This bacteria is also a risk factor in the transmission of HIV.”

Protip: Don't do an image search for "Donovanosis"

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