Powerful new PSA reminds owners to secure their guns from children

Watch this video on YouTube. Eight American kids are killed or injured daily by unsecured guns in their homes. The Ad Council, creators of Smokey Bear and other iconic PSAs,…

Eight American kids are killed or injured daily by unsecured guns in their homes. The Ad Council, creators of Smokey Bear and other iconic PSAs, launched the End Family Fire campaign to raise awareness.

These incidents are part of Family Fire. Referring to shootings that involve improperly stored or misused guns found in homes, Family Fire is a real and preventable tragedy that affects millions of families. The Ad Council’s new Gun Safety campaign tackles this issue head-on by encouraging people to learn more about proper gun safety and responsible ownership.

When it comes to guns, we can all agree on the importance of preventing kids from having easy access to them. These PSAs aim to inspire gun owners to make their homes safer when it comes to the storage and handling of their guns by going to EndFamilyFire.org

The ad was also created with the assistance of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and agency Droga5.

End Family Fire | Gun Safety (YouTube / Ad Council)