My kid's latest LEGO Star Wars project

My 11 year-old paid more attention during Solo than I did. She insisted on Moloch's Landspeeder as her latest Star Wars LEGO. I honestly only kinda remember the landspeeder chase…

My 11 year-old paid more attention during Solo than I did. She insisted on Moloch's Landspeeder as her latest Star Wars LEGO.

I honestly only kinda remember the landspeeder chase scenes. Stuff with "Han" was not the most interesting part of that movie, and until they were well into heist I was kinda bored. Not my kid! She insists that this, and Han's landspeeder will soon join her shelves of LEGO.

LEGO Star Wars Solo: A Star Wars Story Moloch’s Landspeeder 75210 Building Kit (464 Piece) via Amazon