A look at how Black Rock City rises from the dust

Black Rock City Begins : Surveying Burning Man

Black Rock City Begins : Surveying Burning Man Watch this video on YouTube. Ever wonder how the dusty blank slate of the Black Rock Desert becomes Burning Man's Black Rock…

Ever wonder how the dusty blank slate of the Black Rock Desert becomes Burning Man's Black Rock City each year?

Well, my pal Shalaco has started vlogging and in his latest video he gives an interesting glimpse into this process by talking to the Survey crew as they create it. It's a really beautiful piece!

On the Burning Man Journal, he writes, "One impossible aspect about Black Rock City, and part of the nature of a city that is born every year, is that you can visit it at different times in its growth and development. Each and every year I visit, Black Rock City it is younger and younger. You can never visit New York when it was a colony or San Francisco before the gold rush, but you can do that with Black Rock City."

[Cue the music]