Watch test footage from a new low-light 4K VR underwater camera

Marine Imaging Technologies underwater 4k VR Sample

Marine Imaging Technologies underwater 4k VR Sample Watch this video on YouTube. Marine Imaging Technologies CEO Evan Kovacs tested out his new HYDRUS camera in low-light conditions in the Cayman…

Marine Imaging Technologies CEO Evan Kovacs tested out his new HYDRUS camera in low-light conditions in the Cayman Islands.

Via their site:

Eight cameras in a horizontal radial array with an additional two on the vertical axis creates a larger than traditional overlap of images, allowing for the 8k or 4k stitched image or a 4k 3D image.

The subsea monitor provides realtime monitoring for eight simultaneous cameras and one primary camera.

The system also incorporates Genlock tri-level sync and over 2 hours of recording time when using the internal camera media storage.

This looks great for both recreational and research uses.

Marine Imaging Technologies 4k VR Sample (YouTube / Marine Imaging Technologies)