Boing Boing Staging

Watch how these BASE jumpers created a giant swing stunt

Russian Swing BASE

This making-of documentary not only shows how much preparation goes into a YouTube-friendly high-octane stunt, but it’s also an interesting explanation of why BASE jumper Sean Chuma goes to such great lengths.

Chuma describes their moment of success as a high point in his life:

It all began with the combination of the dreams of 4 individuals. Those individuals are Donald Schultz, Sean Chuma, Joey California and Travis Tripp. We always thought Russian swings were very exciting and very powerful. When Travis came along it was time. He built the Russian swing and then the new sport began. In this film you can see how it all started and where it will go. It is a truly amazing and powerful thing. Intro Photo by Chris Hoyte.

It’s really about friendship, trust, and dedication as much as it is thrill-seeking.

Russian Swing BASE (YouTube / Sean Chuma)

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