Watch these amazing and easy at-home science experiments

17 Amazing Experiments and Tricks! Compilation

17 Amazing Experiments and Tricks! Compilation Watch this video on YouTube. YouTubers Home Science created a wonderful compilation of some simple science experiments that can be done at home as…

YouTubers Home Science created a wonderful compilation of some simple science experiments that can be done at home as a family.

00:00 Shredding a photo
01:03 Ambiguous cylinder illusion
01:34 Reverse illusion
01:59 Motion illusion
02:40 Anamorphic illusion
03:27 Magnetic matches
03:49 Freezing balloon
04:23 Magnetic top
04:47 Soap propelled boat
05:08 Hot ice
05:53 Blue crystal
06:25 Microscope projector
06:54 Sugar lava
07:31 Elephant toothpaste
07:47 Flying balloon
08:21 No-leak magic bag
08:41 Homemade hologram

17 AMAZING AND EASY SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS Compilation (YouTube / Home Science)