Another installment in Fortnite's Summer Skirmish

Watch this video on YouTube. Epic Games is offering $100 million dollars in prizes at their Fortnite competitions, over the next year or so. The Friday, August 3rd, 2018 installment…

Epic Games is offering $100 million dollars in prizes at their Fortnite competitions, over the next year or so. The Friday, August 3rd, 2018 installment begins at 2pm PST.

The Summer Skirmish series is Epic's playground for experimenting with tournament formats. Epic invites the best gamers in the world to compete in constantly changing tournaments with wildly different rules. Sometimes the format inspires amazing game play, other times it turns into a bunch of badass videogame champions hiding in a box.

You can watch the official broadcast, which has been getting better but has been weak, or do as many folks do and set up your own multitwitch to watch the contestants you are most interested in. Here is mine.