I kinda think this tater tot cookbook defines my generation

Tots!: 50 Tot-ally Awesome Recipes from Totchos to Sweet Po-tot-o Pie is the tater tot recipe book to rule them all. A recent post I wrote regarding my favorite way…

Tots!: 50 Tot-ally Awesome Recipes from Totchos to Sweet Po-tot-o Pie is the tater tot recipe book to rule them all.

A recent post I wrote regarding my favorite way to prepare an umami tater tot, with an air fryer, led a pal to send me a copy of Tots!. Holy cow! Dan Whalen blazed a path to artisanal tot-cookery!

Whalen provides fantastic recipes for everything from 'Chicken Tot Pie' to 'Sausage and Tot Stuffing' for Thanksgiving. It isn't like any real 'Merican needs a guide to making Tot-Chos, but Whalen provides for the extremely limited.

There are tot desserts.

Someday I will get the gumption to try 'Apple Tot Crumble.' 'Tot Churros' sound to me like they may compete with my standy-by 'Waffle Iron Churros,' so they are high on my list to make.

My favorite feature of Tots! is that every recipe uses frozen tots! Whalen does, however, offer the instructions for handmade tots. I feel making a tot would kinda ruin the whole tot ethos. A tot comes out of the freezer already perfect, suffering not one iota for its incredible convenience.

Tots!: 50 Tot-ally Awesome Recipes from Totchos to Sweet Po-tot-o Pie