Digitized centuries-old catalog of traditional Japanese candies

Wagashi are traditional Japanese confections. Archivists have digitized a lovely multivolume illustrated catalog of the sweet treats, many of which still look the same as they did hundreds of years…

Wagashi are traditional Japanese confections. Archivists have digitized a lovely multivolume illustrated catalog of the sweet treats, many of which still look the same as they did hundreds of years ago when the art form flourished in the Edo period.

Others are now even more elaborate, as demonstrated beautifully on Instagram:

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【きょうの『和菓子の玉手箱』】 下鴨神社ではじまった夏の神事『みたらし祭』。 そして午後からは夏空の下、祇園祭・後祭の曳き初め行われた京都市内です。 夜には、毎年恒例の『乾杯の夕べ 』が国立京都国際会館で行われ、約200発の打ち上げ花火が京都の夜空を彩りました。 水面に映る花火を表現したこちらのお菓子。 目にも涼やか。 夏の暑さを和らげてくれるお菓子です。 「水花火」 えん寿 京都市右京区太秦多藪町14-93 (075)432-7564 #和菓子大好き #和菓子好き #和菓子が好き #和菓子の季節感 #和菓子 #wagashi #kyoto #京都 #花火 #えん寿

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Volume 2 and volume 3 are also available.

Wagashi (via National Dier Library Digital Collections)