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Roboticist Simone Giertz describes her recovery from brain surgery

Boing Boing fave Simone Giertz (of “Shitty Robots” fame) had brain surgery earlier this year, so it’s great to see her back with an update.

Here’s her sweet message to her subscribed fans:

I had a brain tumor. Then I had some brain surgery. Then I made a video about it. I’ve missed you.

Thank you for being here, and for all of your nice messages, terrible jokes and care packages. It’s been an onslaught of love unlike anything I could ever have imagined. I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone, but all of you made it feel like a bizarre blessing. #brainblessed #tumorhumor #whothefuckuseshashtagsinyoutubedescriptions #apparentlyido

Even with insurance (which she luckily had), major surgery often carries ancillary costs, so show Simone some love over at Patreon!

Back from brain surgery (YouTubue / Simone Giertz)

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