Surprise! Trump invites Putin to White House for another meeting, didn't tell intel chief

President Trump plans to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington, DC for yet another one-on-one meeting in the fall. Under fire for shady shenanagins around Russia and Putin, Trump…

President Trump plans to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington, DC for yet another one-on-one meeting in the fall. Under fire for shady shenanagins around Russia and Putin, Trump is doubling down on the crazy, like he always does.

“Word of the planned invitation for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia came even as President Trump’s top advisers tried to glean details of what the two leaders discussed in their last meeting in Finland,” reports the New York Times.

In an interview with NBC News' Andrea Mitchell, the U.S. director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, also publicly spoke for the first time about frustration at having been left out about the meeting, which we are all told included only Putin, Trump, and their respective interpreters.

“If he had asked me how that ought to be conducted,” Mr. Coats said from the Aspen Security Conference in Colorado, “I would have suggested a different way. It is what it is.”

Read the New York Times account of today's wacky news that Trump is inviting Putin to America, in the Fall, to meet with him in the White House.