Bernie Sanders was not amused by Sacha Baron Cohen's disguised character

'Bernie Sanders Interview’ Ep. 1 Official Clip | Who Is America? | SHOWTIME

'Bernie Sanders Interview’ Ep. 1 Official Clip | Who Is America? | SHOWTIME Watch this video on YouTube. You've probably seen the video clip from Who Is America? in which…

You've probably seen the video clip from Who Is America? in which comedian provocateur Sacha Baron Cohen easily convinces right wing politicians and lobbyists to express their support for giving guns to four-year-olds. Here's another clip with Cohen's character trying to explain a mathematically unsound proposal to Bernie Sanders, who patiently explains why the proposal move the 99% into the 1% won't work.

(How did Cohen get access to Sanders and other senators? — UPDATE: I just watched this video with former GOP congressman Joe Walsh who said Cohen's team offered to fly him to Washington DC to give him a "friend of Israel," award, and he took the bait.)

WHO IS AMERICA? is a half-hour series from comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, in his return to series television for the first time in more than a decade in the genre he created first in Da Ali G Show. In the works over the past year, WHO IS AMERICA? explores the diverse individuals who populate our unique nation, and features Baron Cohen experimenting in the playground of 2018 America.