We've reached peak avocado toast with this chocolate bar

These chocolate bars are made with AVOCADO TOAST ?? pic.twitter.com/RlEvbA9A1y — FOOD INSIDER (@InsiderFood) July 6, 2018 I'm pretty sure L.A.'s Compartés Chocolatier didn't stop to think if they should…

I'm pretty sure L.A.'s Compartés Chocolatier didn't stop to think if they should when they made their latest creation, the avocado toast chocolate bar ($9.95 each). In the video, you'll see to make this limited-edition bar that they literally throw avocado and toast into white chocolate.

Creamy white chocolate blended with premium California avocados and crunchy bits of caramelized toast create a crunchy, sweet unique chocolate sensation unlike anything you've ever tried before!

As much as I'd like to pooh-pooh this oddball mashup candy, I would totally try it. What can I say? I'm weak for weird sweets.