How you can pursue bigger paydays as a DevOps expert

Like peanut butter and jelly, some things are just meant to be together. DevOps (a shortened compound of development and operations) is tech industry's equivalent of a pb&j sandwich. Through…

Like peanut butter and jelly, some things are just meant to be together. DevOps (a shortened compound of development and operations) is tech industry's equivalent of a pb&j sandwich. Through combining development and operations teams into one, companies are able to rapidly churn out products and services and improve them faster than if the teams were isolated. The Pay What You Want DevOps Bundle can teach you the tools and techniques DevOps engineers use to streamline work, and it's available for a price you pick.

Here's how the deal works: Simply pay what you want, and you'll instantly unlock one of the collection's seven courses. Beat the average price paid, and you'll get the remaining six at no extra charge.

Following along tutorials and project-based instruction, you'll familiarize yourself with Docker, Kubernetes, and several other tools of the DevOps trade. You'll foster core engineering skills, like using Docker to build development environments and creating an automated continuous deployment pipeline to build, test, analyze, and deploy a web-based apps with Jenkins.

Choose your price, and you can take the first step towards becoming an in-demand DevOps expert with The Pay What You Want DevOps Bundle.