Twins tend to look at images in the same eye movement patterns

Similar gaze of identical twins - example 1

Similar gaze of identical twins - example 1 Watch this video on YouTube. Based on a recent eye-tracking study, researchers believe there's a genetic component to variations in how humans…

Based on a recent eye-tracking study, researchers believe there's a genetic component to variations in how humans process visual information.

Via the Karolinska Institute:

The videos show how two identical twins in the study looked at one of the pictures. Each moving dot represents the gaze of one of the twins. The examples show that there was a clear resemblance between the two children in the twin couple, both in terms of where they look and when they move their eyes. The looking patterns of fraternal twins were generally less similar than those of identical twins, but more similar than the gaze of unrelated individuals. This suggests that genetic factors play a role in how children use their eyes when they scan new visual environments. The videos are illustrative examples of cases where the similarity between identical twins was particularly clear, but still reflect the main outcome of the study.

Here's a second set of twins:

Similar gaze of identical twins - example 2

Similar gaze of twins: example 1 (YouTube / karolinskainstitutet)