Ladybugs will follow a random line as you draw it

Jerry, The Most Amazing Ladybug Ever

Jerry, The Most Amazing Ladybug Ever Watch this video on YouTube. YouTuber baileywhj and her friend figured out that a ladybug she calls Jerry would follow a line around a…

YouTuber baileywhj and her friend figured out that a ladybug she calls Jerry would follow a line around a piece of paper it's being drawn, no matter how squiggly or irregular.

She writes:

Jerry climbed on to my binder in chemistry and we taught him how to follow a line we drew out of pen. It took some intense training but Jer' pulled through with some sweet moves.

I looked around in my yard for a half an hour for a ladybug to replicate this, but no luck spotting one. When I do, I'll update everyone. Conversely, other delightful creatures won't cross a line you draw:

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Jerry, The Most Amazing Ladybug Ever (YouTube / baileywhj)