Remember taking the "Nestea Plunge" when it was hot?

Watch this video on YouTube. "101 degrees in the shade…" It's been hot in the Bay Area and I was joking with a friend that we should take the "Nestea…

"101 degrees in the shade…"

It's been hot in the Bay Area and I was joking with a friend that we should take the "Nestea Plunge." They had no idea what I was talking about which surprised me, given the iconic ad campaign ran from the 1970s through the 1990s (and came back in 2014).

I grew up on Cape Cod, so we didn't have a pool, we just went to the beach when it was hot. For hours, my friends and I would put our arms out and fall backwards into the Atlantic, trying to reenact the Plunge we saw on TV. It was like an in-water trust fall with only the waves to catch you.

Cripes, you all remember it, don't you? Surely it's just an anomaly that my friend didn't know about it.

Nestea ad, 1976

"Temperature was up around 103…"

Nestea Plunge 'Road Worker' Commercial (1976)

"The temperature was up around 111…"


"Come on, taste the taste of wetness…"

Nestea ad - 1978

Even legendary groupie Pamela Des Barres took the Nestea Plunge

#PlungeToPledge | NESTEA | Nestle PH

They're *still* taking the Plunge in the Philippines