U.S. withdraws from U.N. Human Rights Council, calling it 'not worthy of its name.'

Trump envoy Nikki Haley today said the United States is withdrawing from the U.N. Human Rights Council.

She said the Human Rights Council is 'not worthy of its name.'


What is there to say?

This is in the same week America discovered that Trump's racist regime is tearing kids from parents at the border, then placing unaccompanied minors by the thousands in what amount to concentration camps.

From Reuters:

The United States withdrew from the U.N. Human Rights Council on Tuesday after no other countries “had the courage to join our fight” to reform the “hypocritical and self-serving” body, said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.

“In doing so, I want to make it crystal clear that this step is not a retreat from our human rights commitments,” Haley said.