Watch sand dune skiers hit the hot, dry slopes

Lifestyle on Sand Dunes | Sandskiing | Sandboarding

Lifestyle on Sand Dunes | Sandskiing | Sandboarding Watch this video on YouTube. With snowpack disappearing and desertification expanding globally, the Global Warming Riders are making the best of a…

With snowpack disappearing and desertification expanding globally, the Global Warming Riders are making the best of a bad situation and shredding some challenging dunes.

The slopes they're tackling in the clips above and below are in Peru. Note that probably the only thing harder than climbing up a snowy mountain lugging ski gear is climbing up a sandy dune. It makes a StairMaster seem like child's play, and it's usually in temperatures higher than normal body temp.

Sandboarding Peru | SandSki Peru | Laurent Bernhard and friends

Lifestyle on Sand Dunes (YouTube / Global Warming Riders | GWR)