Bubble, a new dystopian podcast sitcom!

The Maximum Fun podcast network (home to such shows as Judge John Hodgman (previously), Oh No Ross and Carrie (previously), and Sawbones) has just launched its most ambitious project to…

The Maximum Fun podcast network (home to such shows as Judge John Hodgman (previously), Oh No Ross and Carrie (previously), and Sawbones) has just launched its most ambitious project to date: a science fiction sitcom about life in a domed city in a monster-haunted wasteland called Bubble, and it's hilarious.

I listened to the first (of eight) episodes (MP3) this morning and laughed my ass off. Not surprising: the show was created by Jordan "Jesse Go" Morris, narrated by Tavi "Style Rookie" Gevinson, with music from Jonathan Coulton (!), and a guest appearance by our own Xeni Jardin (!!).

The show has an all-star cast, too: Alison Becker (Parks and Recreation), Keith Powell (30 Rock), Cristela Alonzo (Cristela), Eliza Skinner (The Late Late Show) and Mike Mitchell (Love), with appearances by Judy Greer, John Hodgman, Martin Starr, Paul F. Tompkins, and many, many more.

Bubble, an ambitious 8-episode series from Maximum Fun, takes place right now, but someplace else. Specifically, in the Portland-ish town of Fairhaven, a literal Bubble that is (mostly!) sealed off and protected from the otherworldly beasts that live in the surrounding Brush. The show follows a small band of monster killers, led by the Brush-born Morgan (Alison Becker), as they struggle to make ends meet and find love in a nightmarish version of the gig economy.

Bubble Episode 1: Huntrs [Maximum Fun]