Inflatable delights abound at the Exploratorium in San Francisco

This summer, San Francisco's Exploratorium is hosting an exhibit called Inflatable, featuring air-filled works by several artists.

Via Exploratorium:

Step inside and wonder at gigantic, fantastical air-filled artworks at Inflatable. Spread across our indoor and outdoor galleries, these ephemeral sculptures include otherworldly organisms by Jason Hackenwerth and Shih Chieh Huang, a forest of cushiony columns by Jimmy Kuehnle, an inflatable insect-eye room from Pneuhaus, and Amanda Parer’s monumental humanoid figures peeking around corners. Fueled by the whimsy and lightness of balloons, the artists of Inflatable have infused their creations with a technology, scale, and creative complexity that expands our vision of what contemporary art can look like.