To do in San Francisco: an evening celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Whole Earth Catalog

I was practically raised on the Whole Earth Catalog and its successors like the Co-Evolution Quarterly, the Whole Earth Review and the WELL — pioneering publications whose motto, "access to tools and ideas," turned into the maker movement and helped create the movement for free, fair and open internet infrastructure.

Whole Earth founder Stewart Brand will host a free 50th anniversary retrospective on Thursday, June 7 from 5:30-8:30PM at San Francisco's Applied Innovation Exchange at 425 Brannan Street.

Join us on the evening of June 7th as we hold a conversation with Stewart that lays out some of the strands of the legacy of the Whole Earth Catalog at our What’s Now: San Francisco event, done in collaboration with Capgemini at their Applied Innovation Exchange. We expect to also draw into the conversation some prominent people who were impacted by the Whole Earth Catalog and consider themselves as part of the legacy. To what extent did the Whole Earth Catalog or its derivatives impact their thinking or inspire the formation of their own entrepreneurial efforts? As is our custom, we’ll make sure to open up the conversation to all those who attend. Mark your calendars for June 7 for what is sure to be a truly memorable evening. And if you can't make it, or if we run out of room, we’ll be live-streaming it for all to see.

Stewart Brand on the Whole Earth Catalog’s Long Legacy over 50 years [Reinvent/Eventbrite]

(via Kottke)