Watch this intense film about a Russian steelworker


METALLURGIST | ГОРНОВОЙ Watch this video on YouTube. This striking visual profile of a worker at the gargantuan Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works by director Evgenii Bakirov features Vladimir, The…

This striking visual profile of a worker at the gargantuan Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works by director Evgenii Bakirov features Vladimir, The Metallurgist. The Russian title (горновой [the mountain]) is Vladimir's nickname.

Via the VK account for producer THE Vi:

Vladimir has no Instagram, never watched a rap-battle, and did not hear anything about the word "hype." Vladimir – the mountain. But he does not have to climb the mountains – his work is much more difficult … The film was created with the support of our production, and the director of THE Vi, Dmitry Sukhov.

THE METALLURGIST (YouTube / TheVi Production)