Delightful creatures frolicking in the waves

Swimming pigs, splashing horses, and diving bulls await in this lovely roundup of animals swimming, some of whom are a bit surprising to see taking to water so eagerly. Try…

Swimming pigs, splashing horses, and diving bulls await in this lovely roundup of animals swimming, some of whom are a bit surprising to see taking to water so eagerly.

Try the full-screen option they recommend. Via The Atlantic:

Apropos of nothing in particular, today we have a collection of images of hoofed mammals swimming and splashing about. Paddling pigs, diving horses, leaping bulls, lunging hippos, racing piglets, wading camels, soaking buffaloes, dripping moose, and more.

Hooves in the Water: Swimming Pigs and Diving Horses (The Atlantic)

Image: Pixabay/larsen9236