Mickey Rooney gets plaque for his career playing women's soccer

Or maybe Gary Busey. That's supposed to be Brandi Chastain, recently inducted into the Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame. Here's a side-by-side to see who this resembles more: Via…

Or maybe Gary Busey. That's supposed to be Brandi Chastain, recently inducted into the Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame. Here's a side-by-side to see who this resembles more:

Via Ann Killion:

The good news is that a do-over is in the works. Take a look back at the moment that made Brandi a sports icon, which also shows how lovely the non-bronze version is:

Brandi Chastain: Her Historic 1999 World Cup Kick

Brandi Chastain plaque looks nothing like Brandi Chastain (via Ann Killion)