Get ready to feel something strange while watching Finger Machines

Finger Machines

Finger Machines Watch this video on YouTube. Finger Machines will likely give viewers a visceral reaction by design. That reaction will vary greatly, from joy to arousal to disgust, and…

Finger Machines will likely give viewers a visceral reaction by design. That reaction will vary greatly, from joy to arousal to disgust, and maybe all of the above. It's totally safe for work, but it may be better to wait till you're able to watch away from passersby who might get the wrong impression from a quick glance.

The director says:

This film started as a couple of explorative clips for Instagram, but for some reason I couldn’t stop making them and I demanded to know why. Soft and tactile machines are the direct opposite of what you’d expect from machines but this wasn’t it… I realised that it was feeling something physical from watching. This (it turns out) is down to a phenomenon called synaesthesia. It was this mysterious connection to the visuals that was driving my interest… and I really like the thought of being able to hijack someone’s senses.”

Finger Machines (YouTube / Seed Animation Studio)